
Burnett Homework Policies

The purpose of homework is to reinforce previous learning and to enhance study skills. Assignment of nightly homework is at the discretion of the teacher. If homework is assigned, it should be meaningful and will generally follow the “10-minute rule”: students should receive no more than about 10 minutes of homework per night in Kindergarten/1st grade, and an additional 10 minutes per night for each grade thereafter. Reading at home is in addition to those minutes. No matter what, students should be reading every night. Reading is lifework, not homework!

Please see grade level homework policies below. All questions about homework should be directed to your child's teacher!

TK Homework

Monthly homework such as a monthly activity calendar and a reading log are sent home on the first school day of the month and need to be returned on the first school day of the following month.

Kindergarten Homework

Kindergarten plans to give a monthly homework packet. The packet will include a reading log, daily living skills, and activities that will have students practice skills introduced in class. One activity or skill is assigned each day.

First Grade Homework


Second Grade Homework

Third Grade Homework

Homework can be so much more than a worksheet. Homework this year will be more life skills based. Please help your child participate in the weekly activities as we are trying to make them as independent as possible.  We  encourage all family members and siblings to participate to help your child build relationships and real life experiences. 

If you are unable to help your child complete an activity or if  your child struggles with one of the sections, do not worry about  completing it, just write a quick note or send a Parent Square. Homework is flexible and meant to meet the needs of your child.  

Homework will be sent home on Fridays so that you have the weekend to complete any of the activities if you choose. Please send back the homework with your child on the following Friday.

Students are required to read during the day, as well as at home as part of their homework.  Your child should be reading nightly for at least 20 minutes.

The first week of homework will be sent home Friday, August 23rd.

Family projects will be sent home at the beginning of the month and returned at the end.  Each monthly project will have a due date.  

If you have any questions, comments or concerns do not hesitate to contact your teacher. 

Fourth Grade Homework

4 lessons in reading a week (to get started)

4 lessons in math a week (to get started)

Occasional long-term project that is tied to classroom units/assignments

Fifth Grade Homework

**This is inclusive of students in the 5/6 combo class!

Sixth Grade Homework

Homework for 6th grade consists of work students have not finished during class or projects that require extra time to complete.  For example, if a student does not complete the math assignment during class, they would complete this for homework.  Teachers then go over the work with students whole class or in groups the next day.  An example for projects is that a student might work on their prop for their god or goddess at home.

The rationale for the 6th grade homework is to make sure all students get a chance to practice the skills they were taught during the lesson.  Some students require more time to complete the work and finishing it as homework allows them to practice skills from that day.

For grading, 6th grade plans to give assignments that are being graded a standards based score so that parents will know how their child’s work relates to 6th grade expectations.  However, while teachers may inform parents of missing assignments, homework will not be graded a zero. As mentioned above, it is usually self graded in class.  Grades for report cards will be based on student progress towards grade level standards, not an average of previous grades.

Science, STEAM, and More!

No homework will be assigned in Science, STEAM, or any other classes!

The only time a student may do work at home is if they do not finish an in class project for which they have been given ample time to complete.